Federal Student Aid Applications Down by 20% in This State

By: May Man Published: Jun 10, 2024

As the deadline for applications to qualify for federal college aid approaches, a local organization is ramping up its efforts to reach out to students and families. HawaiiKidsCAN, an education advocacy nonprofit, is intensifying its campaign in response to a significant decline in Hawaii’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) completion rate.

This year, the rate has dropped by approximately 20% compared to the same time in 2023, one of the largest decreases nationwide.

Only 40% of Hawaii’s High School Class of 2024 Completed a FAFSA

The National College Attainment Network’s FAFSA tracker indicates that as of May 24, only 40.4% of Hawaii’s high school class of 2024 had completed a FAFSA. This is a sharp drop of 19.6% from the previous year.

A classroom with a man at the podium and a powerpoint presentation is shown. Many students of all ages direct their attention towards the screen

Source: Kenny Eliason/Unsplash

David Sun-Miyashiro, executive director of HawaiiKidsCAN, noted that Hawaii’s reduced completion rate is part of a broader national issue, exacerbated by numerous problems with the FAFSA rollout this year.

Delays for Applications

These problems arose from a mandatory overhaul of the FAFSA by the U.S. Department of Education.

bills at top left and FAFA application in center

Source: Freepik

Typically, the application period opens on October 1 for aid for the following school year, but this year it was delayed until the end of December. Once open, technical issues plagued the system, causing delays for users and colleges processing the applications.

Issue Among other States

“It’s a nationwide problem. Just about every state is down a pretty significant amount, and it’s just kind of a perfect storm of things,” Sun-Miyashiro said. “Everything that could go wrong did go wrong.”

Map of the United States with an American flag placed in the center

Source: StockSnap

The University of Hawaii (UH) system has begun sending financial aid packages to students at its four-year campuses in Manoa, Hilo, and West Oahu, while community colleges are still adjusting to the application changes.

Hopefully An Isolated Year

Farrah-Marie Gomes, UH’s associate vice president for student affairs, stated that the system is processing FAFSA applications “as quickly as we are receiving them.”

University of Hawaii Campus

Source: Wikimedia

“We are hopeful that this is an individual and isolated year. We hope that students and their families are not discouraged by these experiences,” Gomes said. “We don’t want any students to give up because of this situation that was so out of our individual control. We are all working together to just make sure that if students want to go to college, we are here to help them find their way through it.”

Students Are More Price-Conscious About College

Under normal circumstances, Hawaii’s FAFSA completion rates are around 55%, prompting HawaiiKidsCAN to seek new ways to promote the FAFSA among students and families.

five students walking together

Source: Freepic.diller, Freepik

“In general, we found students in Hawaii, and elsewhere, are more price-conscious about college, and so they just assume. They hear, ‘Oh, people go into debt. (College) is a bad investment,’ and they’re more likely to unsubscribe from the whole experience,” Sun-Miyashiro said. “We wanted to push the FAFSA for folks, rather than assuming that college is out of reach in terms of costs, until you actually have your financial aid package, you don’t know for sure.”


$12 Million in Financial Aid Grants Unclaimed in Hawaii

HawaiiKidsCAN reports that students in Hawaii left $12 million in financial aid grants unclaimed. Sun-Miyashiro emphasized that many scholarships and grants require FAFSA completion for consideration.

one hundred dollar bills tied up with elastic band

Source: Freepik

“If (students) qualify, there are federal financial aid options that students can be eligible for that are only possible through completion of the FAFSA,” Gomes said. “(UH) also uses information from the FAFSA to award some of our institutional aid.”


Hawaii Promise

One such aid program is Hawaii Promise, a scholarship for UH Community College students that covers 100% of a student’s financial need.

scholarship application form concept

Source: Rawpixel.com, Freepik

Funded by the state Legislature, it acts as a last-dollar scholarship, providing funds after other FAFSA-based aid is awarded.


Higher Lifetime Earnings for Graduates

A college degree offers significant returns on investment for students and families. A January study by the Economic Research Organization at the University of Hawaii found that lifetime earnings for UH bachelor’s degree holders are $2.8 million — 27% higher than for those without a degree.

A class of college graduates throw their caps in the air at graduation

Source: Freepik

“There’s a lot of research that shows that obtaining a college degree does have multiple benefits, including a significant increase in lifetime earnings, as well as other non-education-related benefits, like less involvement in crime, and healthier and longer lives,” Gomes said. “We are seeing the contributions that individuals can make to society, so having a society of educated citizens contributing to the workforce and building the future in a way that is responsive to those in those communities adds to quality of life.”


Raising Awareness

Sun-Miyashiro hopes that students will understand their options for paying for college by completing a FAFSA, making informed decisions about their future.

college students studying

Source: Freepik

“This generation is more cost-conscious about college, so we’re not shying away from that,” Sun-Miyashiro said. “I think the real message is we want students to be smart and aware consumers of what their options are.”


Spreading the Message to Students

HawaiiKidsCAN is organizing outreach and sign-waving events to raise FAFSA awareness, inviting community participation. This initiative, a first for the organization, aims to leverage community energy typically seen in political campaigns.

students studying in classroom

Source: Freepik

“We were already doing outreach via social media and trying to reach students where they were,” Sun-Miyashiro said. “We’ve got all this great energy and volunteering when it comes to political campaigns and people standing out on the street. Where’s that same energy when we’ve got a challenge like this, right? Let’s try taking some of those tactics and use it to raise awareness about the FAFSA.”


Application Deadline Nearing

The organization focused its events in the Kapolei and Ewa Beach areas on Sunday at Fort Weaver Road and Keaunui Drive. If successful, Sun-Miyashiro hopes to continue these efforts in the next application cycle.


Source: Freepik

“If I could wave a magic wand, every student would automatically have a FAFSA completed,” Sun-Miyashiro said, “but it takes action.” The FAFSA for the 2024-25 school year is due by June 30 and can be completed online.
