Majority of U.S. Citizens Get These American History Questions Wrong
How much do you really know about the history that has shaped the United States of America?
You may be surprised to know that many U.S. citizens know very little about our country’s past and how it informs our current environment. Put your patriotic knowledge to the test with this history quiz.
1. Who was the first president to live in the White House?
A) George Washington
B) Abraham Lincoln
C) John Adams
D) John Quincy Adams

Source: Facebook
John Adams

Source: Wikipedia
2. How many settlers came over on the Mayflower?
A) 102
B) 56
C) 134
D) 200

Source: Wikipedia
102 settlers

Source: Wikipedia
3. Which European country colonized Florida?
A) England
B) Spain
C) France
D) Germany

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia
4. Which president is credited with ending slavery?
A) George Washington
B) John Adams
C) Abraham Lincoln
D) Woodrow Wilson

Source: Wikimedia Commons
Abraham Lincoln

Source: Wikipedia
5. What was the bloodiest one-day battle in American History?
A) Battle of Verdun (WWII)
B) Pearl Harbor (WWII)
C) Battle of Antietam (Civil War)
D) None of the Above

Source: Getty Images
Battle of Antietam (Civil War)

Source: Wikimedia Commons
6. Who was the first president to be impeached?
A) Donald Trump
B) Ronald Reagan
C) Andrew Johnson
D) Bill Clinton

Source: Getty Images
Andrew Johnson

Source: Wikipedia
7. What was the leading cause of death during the first winter of the Plymouth Colony?
A) Disease
B) Harsh Weather
C) Starvation
D) All of the Above

Source: Wikipedia
All of the Above

Source: Wikipedia
8. How many amendments to the U.S. Constitution are there?
A) 27
B) 10
D) 0

Source: Wikipedia
27 amendments

Source: Wikipedia
9. The first African slaves were brought to which modern city/state?
A) Jacksonville, Florida
B) Jamestown, Virginia
C) Charlotte, North Carolina
D) Plymouth, Massachusetts

Source: Wikipedia
Jamestown, Virginia

Source: Facebook
10. What year did the U.S. join World War I?
A) 1914
B) 1915
C) 1916
D) 1917

Source: Wikipedia

Source: National Interest
11. What was New York’s original name?
A) New Holland
B) New Dutch-land
C) Philadelphia
D) New Amsterdam

Source: Freepik
New Amsterdam

Source: Library of Congress
12. On what date was the Declaration of Independence signed?
A) July 4, 1776
B) August 2, 1776
C) May 17, 1779
C) July 4, 1779

Source: Adobe Stock
August 2, 1776

Source: Britannica
13. What European country was the Statue of Liberty a gift from?
A) Germany
B) United Kingdom
C) France
D) Italy

Source: Freepik

Source: Freepik
14. Which was the first US state admitted to the Union?
A) Pennsylvania
B) Delaware
C) New York
D) Virginia

Source: Freepik

Source: iStock
15. How many US Presidents have been assassinated?
A) 4
B) 3
C) 6
D) 0


Source: Wikipedia
16. Who was the Confederate President during the Civil War?
A) Ulysses S. Grant
B) Abraham Lincoln
C) Jefferson Davis
D) Robert E. Lee

Source: iStock
Jefferson Davis

Source: Wikipedia
17. In 1903, the United States doubled in size after which event?
A) The Louisiana Purchase
B) The Civil War
C) The Indian Removal Act
D) The Monroe Doctrine

Source: StockSnap
The Louisiana Purchase

Source: Wikipedia
18. What of the following wars did the United States NOT fight in during the 1800s?
A) Mexican-American War
B) Civil War
C) War of 1812
D) Revolutionary War

Source: iStock
Revolutionary War

Source: Adobe Stock
19. What was the name of the network of secret routes that helped slaves escape from the South to the North?
A) Underground Tunnels
B) Underground Railroad
C) Freedom Movement
D) None of the Above

Source: National Geographic
Underground Railroad

Source: iStock
20. Who was the only President to serve two non-consecutive terms?
A) George Washington
B) Theodore Roosevelt
C) William Henry Harrison
D) Grover Cleveland

Source: Freepik
Grover Cleveland

Source: Britannica
21. The US National Anthem starts with the following words…
A) “Oh say, can you see”
B) “God bless America”
C) “In God we trust”
D) “We the people”

Source: Freepik
“Oh say, can you see”

Source: Freepik
22. When was the first United States $1 bill minted?
A) 1670
B) 1776
C) 1862
D) 1801

Source: Freepik

Source: Wikipedia
23. What was the first permanent settlement in what would eventually be the United States?
A) Annapolis
B) Chesapeake Bay
C) Massachusetts Bay Colony
D) Jamestown

Source: Britannica

Source: National Geographic Society
24. How many people were executed during the Salem Witch Trials?
A) 120
B) 19
C) 63
D) 4

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia
25. When was the first Great Awakening?
A) 1730s -1740s
B) 1600s-1630s
C) 1810s
D) 1890s-1910s

Source: Britannica

Source: @AmericanHistoryVideos/YouTube
26. About how many slaves were freed at the conclusion of the Civil War?
A) 1 Million
B) 4 Million
C) 6 Million
D) 500,000

Source: Library of Congress
4 Million

Source: Library of Congress
27. What tribe was Pocahontas from?
A) Powhatan
B) Cherokee
C) Mohawk
D) Iroquois

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia
28. On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked which American harbor?
A) New York Harbor
B) Pearl Harbor
C) Miami Harbor
D) Sunset Harbor

Source: Wikipedia
Pearl Harbor

Source: Wikipedia
29. Where did Christopher Columbus land?
A) Virginia
B) Maryland
C) Massachusettes
D) None of the Above

Source: Alamy
None of the Above

Source: Wikipedia
30. What was the last state to be admitted into the union?
A) California
B) Alaska
C) Hawaii
D) Texas

Source: Freepik

Source: iStock
31. Who first discovered America?
A) Christopher Columbus
B) Leif Erikson
C) Erik the Red
C) Ferdinand II

Source: Wikipedia
Leif Erikson

Source: Britannica