Severe Hailstorm Rocks Austrian Airlines Flight

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Jun 10, 2024

On June 9, 2024, Austrian Airlines flight OS434 from Palma de Mallorca to Vienna faced an unexpected challenge.

About 20 minutes before landing, the Airbus A320 entered a thunderstorm cell. The severe weather caused significant turbulence and damage from hail, catching both passengers and crew off guard.

Damage to the Aircraft

The hailstorm reportedly inflicted serious damage on the aircraft. The cockpit windows, some external coverings, and the plane’s nose were all impacted.

damaged austrian airlines plane nose

Source: Exithamster/X

Photos revealed that part of the nose had even broken off due to the hail. Austrian Airlines stated that the damage was significant but manageable.

Passenger Experience

Passenger Emmeley Oakley described the experience as intense and frightening. “We could definitely feel the hail coming down on the plane and it was quite loud and super rocky for a minute,” she said.

Plane flying through the sky with clouds in the background

Source: Freepik

The sudden turbulence caused items like phones and cups to fly around the cabin, adding to the chaos.

Turbulence Inside the Cabin

Inside the cabin, the turbulence was severe but brief. Oakley noted, “I think we were about 20 minutes from landing when we got into a cloud of hail and thunderstorm, and the turbulence started.”

An image of a commercial jet plane preparing to land

Source: Freepik

The intensity of the hail was palpable, creating a loud noise and a very rocky ride for passengers.

Crew Response

The flight attendants played a crucial role in managing the situation. Despite some passengers screaming, the crew remained calm and helped to reassure those who were frightened.

Flight Attendants Wearing Face Mask while Standing on the Aisle of an Airplane

Source: Vinh Lâm/Pexels

Oakley praised the crew, saying, “The cabin crew did a really good job calming those people down though.”

Mayday Call Issued

Due to the extent of the damage, a Mayday call was made by the cockpit crew. The storm was not visible on the radar, which added to the challenge.

Gray Concrete airport Tower

Source: Guilherme Rossi/Pexels

The pilots had to rely on their skills and experience to navigate through the storm safely, ensuring the safety of all on board.


Successful Landing

Despite the damage and turbulence, the pilots managed to land the plane safely at Vienna-Schwechat Airport. No passengers were harmed during the incident.

A commercial airplane flying through a cloudy sky

Source: Freepik

Austrian Airlines credited the crew’s professionalism and expertise for the safe landing under such severe conditions.


Aftermath and Inspections

After landing, passengers were able to see the damage to the plane, including the missing part of the nose. Austrian Airlines’ technical team immediately began inspecting the aircraft.

damaged austrian airlines plane with crew assessing damage

Source: Exithamster/X

They aimed to assess the full extent of the damage and ensure the plane’s airworthiness before returning it to service.


Passenger Reflections

Oakley reflected on the flight, noting that it was mostly uneventful except for the brief encounter with the storm.

damaged austrian airlines plane with passengers exiting plane

Source: Exithamster/X

She praised the pilots and crew for their exceptional handling of the situation, saying, “The pilots really did an excellent job keeping things as smooth and safe as they could.”


Importance of Crew Training

This incident highlights the importance of thorough training for flight crews. Their ability to remain calm and manage the situation was crucial in ensuring passenger safety.

emergency vehicles on airport runway

Source: Exithamster/X

The incident ultimately supports the effectiveness of the training programs that prepare crew members for unexpected challenges.


Lessons Learned

The hailstorm incident also serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of weather and the need for airlines to be prepared for such events.

A closeup of raindrops on the ground

Source: Pixabay

Continuous improvements in radar technology and training can help mitigate such risks.


Looking Ahead

Austrian Airlines is committed to ensuring the safety of its passengers. The ongoing inspection of the damaged aircraft will help improve safety protocols.

An airplane captured in the center of the frame against a soft sunset sky, with the aircraft's landing gear down as it prepares for landing

Source: Shams Alam/Unsplash

By learning from this incident, the airline aims to enhance its preparedness for any future weather-related challenges, reinforcing its commitment to passenger safety.
